Riddle us this. If you could easily uncover patterns in historical customer data, predict your customer's future behavior, and discover audiences primed for engagement, would you seize the opportunity to do so?

What if you could do it without having to lean on your data science teams, learn a complicated new program, or enter even a bit of code?

You may be thinking, sci-fi! Sorcery! Fake news! None of the above. We’re excited to introduce CustomerAI Predictions, which puts the power of predictive AI directly in the hands of marketers—saving you time and money while improving campaign performance.

Join us for our latest webinar, where we demo CustomerAI Predictions and talk through how it can deliver on creating precise audiences, personalized customer journeys, and forecast customer behavior to help create campaigns that actually convert.
  • Inspire new campaign ideas with pre-built Predictive Audiences created with just a few clicks
  • Predict customer’s likelihood to purchase, churn, or perform any event tracked in Segment
  • Improve targeting, campaign performance, and return on marketing spend by quickly launching AI-powered, personalized customer experiences across every channel
Meg Buchanan
Senior Content Marketing Manager
Twilio Segment
Megan DeGruttola
Senior Product Marketing Manager
Twilio Segment
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